Phone: 424-340-4291

Get to Know Us
STUDYRITE has three Licensed MFT facilitators who have all participated in the StudyRite program and slayed the beast!
At StudyRite, you will gain the skills, knowledge, and understanding that are needed to pass the California and National MFT exam without breaking the bank. With a 95% passing rate, we offer study groups two-three nights a week, online courses, and more. StudyRite has assisted clinicians around the nation pass their exams for the past 3 years. StudyRite focuses on supporting those who suffer from all-around fear of success of passing the exam; lack of self-esteem, and anxiety that may be triggered by not being taught the tricks and hacks of exam strategies. Here at StudyRite, we teach you a precise view of the clinical therapeutic loop within treatment based on the exam's expectations.